Friday 4 December 2015

Shredding Bins

What is in a name?

In the document shredding industry the specialized containers used within offices are invariably called shredding consoles but outwith the industry they have multiple names such as security consoles, shredding bins, confidential waste containers, confidential waste bins and lockable bins! However a picture as with many things in life solves what the customer is actually looking for!
For more information email

Recycling in business

Why a recycling policy important in today’s economic climate?

Commercial recycling is important in business in the UK today for the following reasons:

Staff recruitment, perception and retention
A recycling scheme creates a positive impression to potential and existing employees if the business cares about the environment and of course the wider community they will care about their staff. Employees like to be involved in green initiatives.  And for the fairly minor cost of a few office recycling bins most businesses can adopt a green recycling scheme for paper, cans, card board simply.

Customer’s perception
Customers and clients like to deal with companies businesses that care about the environment and a few recycling bins in key locations such as reception can make all the difference to this. These can be purchased from

The Data Protection Act
Protecting confidential data is vital in business and the fines under the terms of The Data Protection Act are huge – up to £500,000.  With the addition of document shredding cabinets which make it easy for staff members a proper compliant system is then in place these can be purchased from